Aloe Vera Cream: The All-In-One Product

aloe vera cream

Is it really necessary to have a different moisturizer for each part of your body?

Night cream, day cream, hand and nail lotion, face cream, body butter, foot rub, after-sun lotion.

The All-Around Aloe Vera Moisturizer

Among all natural ingredients used in beauty products, aloe vera seems to be one of the few with properties that benefit all the areas of the skin. It truly is a versatile ingredient.


woman using face cream

Is the skin on your face really so different from the skin on your legs that they each need a specialized moisturizer? Your face might be exposed to the elements more than the rest of you, but its skin cells work the same way as the skin cells everywhere else on your body. Although your face may need more moisturizing and rejuvenating because of the punishment it takes, it doesn’t need dramatically different products and ingredients.

The aloe vera plant has been trusted since ancient times and Corium 21 Aloe Vera Cream is packed with it, along with other nutrients and vitamins. Customers have repeatedly said how they have noticed significant improvements everywhere. It absorbs rapidly and deeply, is non-greasy, and it contains stimulating natural ingredients.

If you look closely at a container of a famous brand’s face cream and a container of that brand’s body cream and then its nail cream, you may see they all contain essentially the same things. And some of those ingredients have names that don’t sound all that harmless. It’s just fancy marketing that makes it seem like separate formulas are essential.

All Skin Types Can Handle Aloe Vera Cream

Hands applying cream

Oily skin, dry skin, combination skin – aloe vera cream is fine for them all. It doesn’t matter if your skin is sensitive, delicate, young, old, blotchy, patchy, flaky, scaly, hairy, leathery, pimply or cracked.

Aloe vera cream is gentle, penetrative and refreshing.

Consumers report noticing significant lessening of skin inflammations after using aloe vera cream.

How many high-profile products with multi-million dollar advertising campaigns can be used in all of these situations?

Replace the Multitude of Products with Aloe Vera Cream

For many women, it’s not surprising to find their bathroom cabinets bursting with a huge variety of products. Not only do these cost a fortune, most have a short shelf life. Others are merely the same things repackaged as different products. It just makes sense to save a ton of money and space.