Bee Sting
Bee Stings for People Without Allergies

The first step in the handling of a bee sting is to find the stinger. This can be done by looking for a raised red welt on the skin of the victim.
Now look very carefully for a small black dot in the center of the welt; it will look rather like a very tiny splinter.
Continue checking all welts until you find the stinger, or stingers.
After you have quickly located the stinger, pull it out as quickly as possible using either tweezers, or a stiff, flat object, such as a credit card, and pull or scrape out the stinger. This is imperative to get the stinger to quit pumping venom into your system.
If the person who received the bee sting has no allergies or signs of an allergy, it is now time to address the sting and make it less painful. You will first want to wash the area gently with soap and water, if available. If you are not near soap and water, see if someone has a first aid kit. If so you can use an alcohol swab to sterilize the sting area.
You now will want to add cold compresses to the area to reduce the swelling. Either a washcloth run under cold water or a baggie full of ice will work as a compress. If the person is in a lot of pain, you can try a safe pain reliever – obviously taking into consideration the person’s age.
There are also some home remedies that may help take the sting out of the sting. You can also try applying aloe vera and/or Chamomile to the sting.
“On a wasp sting, the swollen area subsided in an hour. I’m 52 and apply it to my face every night. People who haven’t seen me in ten years say I haven’t aged. I’ve used Corium 21 for 5 years or more.” – B Marron